T M F / MB Feud



bob vawter said:
So then James are you saying that YOU ARE the spokesperson for ® and have the power to speak for them????

Bob if I had my way I would set you up a rubber room on T M F too , but alas I am just another Indian in the tribe .

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Hey all I said DROP IT not negotiate this for that, etc...and pick on your own personal agenda/greivance. CLEAN SLATE.

Each person, each moderator, each admin and the boards individually will need to look into their hearts and their consciences and clean up their acts. It's gonna take time, it's gonna take tolerance and it's gonna take initiative. But it is not impossible.

It's not going to change overnight. It didn't get this way overnight.

DROP IT means to forgive, not negotiate. it also means that if you know you've done or are doing something for the wrong reasons then STOP or don't do it again. No need to point fingers, just STOP.

Take care,

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
No Lisa..yous got it all wrong...me an' James talked tonite and actually laughed and had a great time.......he wants to be co-administrator of the Rubber Room!
But he has to bring a note from home!

Doug D

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Spearfish SD
Doug Dimick
truckmount girl said:
Hey all I said DROP IT not negotiate this for that, etc...and pick on your own personal agenda/greivance. CLEAN SLATE.

Each person, each moderator, each admin and the boards individually will need to look into their hearts and their consciences and clean up their acts. It's gonna take time, it's gonna take tolerance and it's gonna take initiative. But it is not impossible.

It's not going to change overnight. It didn't get this way overnight.

DROP IT means to forgive, not negotiate. it also means that if you know you've done or are doing something for the wrong reasons then STOP or don't do it again. No need to point fingers, just STOP.

Take care,

:D Good job Lisa! Glad that someone has the sense to put a stop to this! :wink:

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
To date I've stayed out of this discussion because it seemed that there was so much history and background noise that I couldn't find something to share that I felt would be constructive. I'm still not sure I'm going to help but out of concern for the industry I'd like to make a couple of comments in the hope that we can all focus on improving our industry and the quality of service/product the consumers who rely on us to improve their quality of life through a higher standard of cleanliness.

1. There has been a lot of misrepresentations made (none by Lisa or Jeff that I've seen) concerning the facts in dispute regarding "glides" for the record glides are not illegal. There is a valid question as to specific design features of certian glides which have been commercially produced, these designs and a patented design owned by Harris Research.

2. There is absolutley no information that would support a 2 million dollar judgement against either Lisa or Jeff this number is totally bogus and IMO has been manufacturered for shock purposes.

3. Dri-Eaz and Harris Research through a cooperative process came to an agreement as to what design features needed to exist in a glide design that would lead a reasonable party to believe patent infringement existed and what would not. I can assure everyone that we did more testing on glide designs than anyone in the industry to understand what factors positively influenced water removal and what did not, the result is the glide we now supply on our Rover extractor.

4. Once we stopped taking an adversarial approach to the subject at hand and looked for a outcome that both parties could feel good about progress came quickly.

Lets move on folks, leave Lisa and Jeff to handle their private issue in private and have some constructive discussion on topics that improve the industry.

I intend to post this on TMF as well. 9 plus pages and growing of bickering is getting pretty boring.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
This is my HONEST Opinion... :!:

I am new to all the boards. I first came across TMF by accident,while I was searching for
Truckmount Deals.Com. I was unaware that any Carpet cleaning boards existed. I got most
of my CC info from Cleanfax magazine.

While browzing TMF...I read a post about Mikeys board. I then went to MB...&...Marty was
cutting someone a new A@@HOLE. :!: I thought ....."WTH"... :shock: I caught myself
Laughing-out-Loud...at my desk. Since that day...I have never looked back..

Personally, I hope there is NEVER a truce...Sorry...This is where I get my NEWS.."FOX"..
I am an OLD FART...&..I don't have the PATIENCE to sift through the BABY-TALK over-there
at "CNN".. I don't need TRAINING WHEELS with the Info...that I am interested in.. :roll:

Every person that chooses this BIZ..."Have HUGE Ego's"..If you don't think that you are the
Best. :!: YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE :!: I will be totally honest with all of you...I have gleaned
more NEW knowlege from this Board in the last year...Than the last 10 years out there on my

The POLITICS between these two Boards..Will NEVER co-exist.. :oops: " Mike is-what-he-is"
This is his BULLY PULPIT.. :!: AND...He can RUN-IT..As he DAMN WELL PLEASES.. :!:
I am sure someday I will get the BUTTON...&...I am sure I will have DESERVED IT... :shock:

TMF has its place...They are freindly to there new posters...&...have the Patience deal with
alot of the NEWBIES...Plus they are VERY interested in promoting their WARES & their style
of Carpet Cleaning.."It is just not for ME.. :(

We can all make EDUCATED decisions about which TYPE of Equipment & Chemicals work
BEST for our businesses...Any board has to have AVDERTISERS and needs its members to
Support those advertisers.. :!: But the CONSTANT BASHING of the competiton is at best...
UNETHICAL.. :oops:

So in ending this NOVEL.. :roll: I just want to say....LISA, I truely RESPECT you as a
Professional & as a Extreemly brilliant person...BUT Sometimes in this world...a MAN
needs his ASS BEAT..to learn that there are lines you don't CROSS. :evil: COOP has
crossed the line in his POST'S... :!:

A real GENTLEMAN ....NEVER calls out a MANS (wife/or ex wife) when he has a PROBLEM
with her husband.. :shock: "SO LETS JUST LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY "
I LOVE the Board just the way it IS.... :wink:

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Harper, you came on this board with your balls on the table from the get go and I love you for it. I'll never forget your goat pic! I love to listen to you and Robison trade insults.

i'm not sying that either board should lose their unique "flavor", and I'm not asking for everyone to be perfect....the good-natured jostling, bickering and debates are the spice of the boards.

What I'm asking for is that all refrain from doing and/or saying things that they know cross over that line. mind you, I've got a different line than Harper or bawb....but we need to let the slate be clean or individuals, families,BB's, companys and the industry as a whole will suffer for our venom.

Have fun, pick on Jimmy and the Mary Kay guy, be yourselves but just don't be pricks.....okay?!

Take care,


Oct 7, 2006
The Window Through Which We Look

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.

The next morning while they are eating breakfast,
the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside.

"That laundry is not very clean", she said.
"She doesn't know how to wash correctly.

Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.

Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,
the young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:

"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this."

The husband said, "I got up early this morning and
cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life.

What we see when watching others depends on
the purity of the window through which we look.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
thats DEEP harry.....very very Deep

do you have a part in that new woodstock movie

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Got it Lisa...

But it has always been my UNDERSTANDING....That FAMILY MEMBERS are "OFF-LIMITS".. :!:

I just BELIEVE...That when the post becomes MALACIOUS toward a family member....
That a PM should be SENT.. :!: "Retract your post or APOLAGIZE immediatly...or you

The MIS-INFORMATION about GG...is borderline LIABLE..This is VERY damaging to all
potiental sales.. :shock:

While I admire you for taking the HIGH ROAD... :!: This HORSE has been "BEAT-To-DEATH"

I feel that the MODS should PROTECT...there members from these TYPES of ASSULTS..
I am sure you & Coop have come to an understanding...That's Great..!

BUT that doesn't remove the PAIN & ANGER that your FREINDS harbor.... as we ALSO
ENDURE the personal ATTACKS upon you & your family...

I agree...That we all can use a clean slate...ANYONE should be able to voice there opinon
on this board...BUT...THERE ARE LIMITS.. :!:


Oct 7, 2006
cu said:
thats DEEP harry.....very very Deep

do you have a part in that new woodstock movie

Jerry, there's no way that I made that one up but I did think it appropriate here.

I'm waiting by the phone but no calls so far from casting.....

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I read the thread on tmf and have to say some things.

The "emails" Tre received were not from me nor do I know for sure where they came from, I would have to guess China...
His lies of midnight phone calls are just that and his father himself confirmed that Tre and his Leno mask buddy were indeed calling many from MB.
Duplicate sign ups and spider and bot traffic still don't amount to 1/3rd of the POSTING we have here on a daily basis. "traffic" does not mean shit. Good wholesome honest, unedited in your face Content is what makes a Board "Great" not a bunch of paid for dead accounts, MB grew naturally. We did not spend 30 to 40 grand promoting to get members to impress advertisers.

and you don't see any mods quitting here and jumping ship now do ya.

Father and son both express innocence in this war yet their innuendo-ous articles, comments to my advertisers, videos and recordings that parody me are just too much for a sensitive guy like me to take. Their phony pompous lying personalities just drive me nuts, what can I say.

I tried to strong arm Nick to help my good pal Lisa, so shoot me.

and out of respect to my good pal Lisa I will submit myself to a one month TMF bashing colon cleansing.
I hereby promise the group not to utter a word about any of the members there.
One month from today we'll be home from Connections and a new tu'de will have formed by then I'm sure, will it be positive or negative?

I guess for me it all depends on how they police that pos Nick Nellos.


To make it easier on the gang here to go on a tmf diet I'm going to ban Cooper.

Cooper and I talked about it today on the phone. If he wants back on he needs to quit TMF. He himself knows he does not really fit in there. He is a natural born instigator, trouble maker and pure bread wise ass. In other words he is a MBer by heart. Carpet cleaning bores him and he lives for the drama.
If he wants back on I would even go as far as giving him his own Bob type Rubber Room. Coop has always wanted to be in control of a board, Nicks, Crazy Georges, Jeff Ellis' and now tmf, they all sucked or failed and he expressed interest in having a room here so lets see what he chooses.

I'm sure most will agree that in order for the ceasefire to work, a TMF Mod can not be present here.

Thanks Lisa, you're the best!


Oct 7, 2006
Obviously, I am with Harper.

But for peace sake, I will bite my lip.

Thank you Bill for your comments.

I request Rob still answer Lisa on why he read her PMs. Answer that, and I'll ask no more.


Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Years of Experience
Greenie said:
Obviously, I am with Harper.

But for peace sake, I will bite my lip.

Thank you Bill for your comments.

I request Rob still answer Lisa on why he read her PMs. Answer that, and I'll ask no more.


Mikey P said:
I had soup and 2 and a half tofu sammys for dinner tonight.

I had tater tot caserole with John and Lora.


Oct 7, 2006
watching the news...Santa Cruz Mtns' on fire...Mikey better start packing up the Lunchpail and V. :shock:


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
due to Lisa,s post i to went over to tmf to see the type of responce the "lisa" plan would get . IT went down like a bad fart in a small packed church on a sunday
the replys where/are so sad with a great lack of understanding.

and as for the "history of greenglides" by nick.the guy just shows him self to be a pure shithead . iv spent a lot of time with jeff and never heard him say anything about nick that others have not said on any of the boards in the last 10 years.....i dont think nick was ever known for building state of the art tm,s

and if truth be known both Lisa and Jeff have been very very helpful and kind to anyone who has asked for thier advice or help and to see them hounded and belittled on tmf just seems very unamerican

...but what do i know im not a yank ..thank god


Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
Years of Experience
When I left Millers; Lisa contacted me privately for a position of some sort with GG. I respectfully declined, as I knew the money they'd pay me could go towards something better; such as continuing to support her family. I really understood then that Lisa genuinely cares about others. Through the last few months Lisa has given me a lot of personal guidance.

I think it would be wise to follow her advice/request. The only thing that TMF has to rebuttal on is the glides issue; besides Mikey's dry sense of humor and witt which I don't think any of them will ever understand. Lisa's name has gotten dragged through the dirt on the other board, and she hasn't done a damn thing to them; or said a bad word about them. By TMF making false claims and exaggerations isn't going to change anything. As Bill said we should move forward. I will respect Lisa's request.

Thank you again for everything, Lisa!


Oct 7, 2006
Josh...you sure you aren't single?

What happened to barefoot in the kitchen, you needs some Alli.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I agree, I will no longer call a pos product a pos... And I'll keep the shit that works for me very... very silent 8) , because others might view it as a pos. :shock:

Great idea Lisa, but I see where the tmf thread has gone already.... Hopeless!

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