Mikey, you don't get it, obviously. There you are listing things instead of just letting it all go and moving on.
Some hothead from oine side or the other is going to lay down the gauntlet sooner or later. The test is in everybody's ability to ignore or defuse instead of flaming the fires.
And Harper, due to the fact that I worked as an owner/op carpet cleaner running my own business by myself for 15 years before Greenie came into my life (and before he started cleaning carpet), due to the fact I was on the CC BB's before I ever met or knew him....I don't think I need the blanket of "family" protection. NOR DO I WANT IT!!
I can fight my own battles, thank you. Stop with the macho crap. I'm not a delicate little southern belle.
Why ban Cooper? Geez, he's making efforts. Why give him an ultimatum? Just let things go.
Nick may be eaten up with anger, I don't know. I will try calling him today. I'm going to delete the part of your post where you say things about him that are no one's business but his own. You may say it's okay because he said something about it (I don't know, I haven't been back to TMF), but that is no excuse to that type of discussion.
I still haven't heard back from Rob, so he and Nick will be on my phone list today.
This is gonna take time guys, just because somebody steps out of line doesn't mean they drew first blood, now pile on boys. It means they should be ignored or brought back into line with calm discussion.
In the words of Gandhi : "An eye for an eye only makes the world blind".
Take care,