A lot of thoughts.
For marketing, Youtube or sites like that have made unknown people very well known. The younger generation, the ones that will be buying and maintaining carpet in the next 10+ yrs is a big target. You won't reach them with the typical
IICRC marketing that I have seen. Just talking about "educated carpet cleaners" or "look for the logo" will mean nothing to them. Go to a highschool, talk to the teens, talk to univ students, all demographics, learn what hits their hot buttons. Call Youtube and ask them for help, what their observations have been about the best promoted videos. Many of these have gotten INTERNATIONAL fame. After all, the USA is not the only country involved.
Retailers and Installers are good places to begin. Many don't even know the
IICRC exists!If they do, they certainly aren't passing the info down to the consumer. I've walked into a couple retail stores and its like I am teaching them by mentioning the basics of cleaning. They haven't a clue about carpet maintenance.
This is the front line, right here.
In my own marketing, the LEAST effective message has been about my "education". The most effective is about "what I can do", ie my performance. I just did a BNI presentation. When I mentioned about my "education", ie
IICRC Master Cleaner, the courses, the Vegas trips, etc, they did go "Oh!!" but then I am presenting this one on one with people that have an interest in my busn. When I am sending a flyer out, I'm sure it would be a bomb if that is what I focused on.
Look at Joe Polish's and Howard's marketing. Very little of that is geared towards the "education" of the cleaner.
Just thinking about this point as I review what I wrote. If I wrote a flyer that promoted JUST my education, and then had a statement like "Who would you choose to clean your carpets?" I wonder what the response would be. The ad could talk about just how valuable the carpet is, how important it is to the health of the home, how un-educated un-certified cleaners are. Would I even mention the negative about some cleaners or focus on the positives of certification.
I can't mention about "Jo blo carpet cleaner here. There is a Joe the Carpet Cleaner in my town

he does "aromatherapy cleaning" with essential oils and has never taken a
IICRC class. SO, would I target him?
The use of the logo is going to have to be policed better as already mentioned. Too many companies that I wouldn't give two cents for are using it. The complaints site/call-in-centre might be a way to enforce a standard.
Then there are simply so many companies that aren't certified. Many have never taken a course.
Would we go for goverment licencing in order to hang your shingle? Ugly thought!!
How would the government do it?? I cringe at thinking like this but there are standards and codes for electricians, plumbers, construction. How are they enforced? What are the consequences? There certainly are bad tradesmen, what are the methods involved with them? Are they working? DO consumers listen?
No matter what advertising is done, we will NEVER get rid of the bad cleaners. There are bad cleaners out there charging high price and low. Some low price cleaners target a market that could care less about certification. Some low price cleaners out clean many of the bigger, better educated guys because they are new, and take their time. I cleaned a place the other day, 3 small rooms and a hall, lots of pet spots. AS I was talking to the client, who was referred by a client, there was nothing special that I did, no reason why another cleaner couldn't have gotten the same results. His reply was about "time" taken. I was there for 3 hrs!
You can educate a cleaner all you want. In the end the performance will be dictated by their work ethic.
There is a target market for this advertising, that would be the first step, identifying who this would matter to. Doesn't matter what's in an ad, if the consumer isn't interested, you could have 10 words or 10,000, they'll never read it or listen to it.
Its repetition, repetition, repetition. Citruso has a brand awareness because they advertised like crazy on radio and paper. I get so many people asking about it. People might not be interested but they hear the compelling ad over and over.
If that was done, the first words, rather than "How much do you charge?" would be "Are you an IICRC Certified Firm?"
That is the goal I take it.