what do you repair guys think of this new tool?

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
Now that in getting used to this tool a little more, I want to give a quick preview.
This is probably the most common wrinkle that I remove:

The wrinkle is already pulled out. But this is a situation that an older lady is concerned about tripping on the wrinkle. Of course she has a ton of stuff in the way.
The wrinkle was behind the triforce and the table next to it. I did not have to move the couch that was behind the triforce. There was also a huge entertainment center on the wall that I would have had to put my power stretcher on. That would have had to be moved too.
Easy stretch, easy $75 added to a job that I was already there to clean.
This is another situation that it worked well in:


Typical transition repair. I was able to stretch it back on and not have to move the furniture behind it.

I will post more pics and findings as I do more jobs with it.

Sent from my motorola flip phone using Crapatalk 1.1

Bruno Fissori

Aug 27, 2013
Bruno Fissori
Here is a comment from Paul G. Hewitt (renown professor of physics and author) after evaluating Triforce this week and the principles of physics it uses in stretching carpet.

"I take my hat off to you two for developing your simple but effective carpet-stretching device. The physics are nicely applied! Just when everybody thinks all is now invented, something like what you have comes along. I can't imagine rug installers NOT buying your product."
Good Energy,
Paul G. Hewitt
Physicist, Professor, Author

If you would like to learn a little about who he is and his impact on the world of physics, you can take a quick look here; www.conceptualphysics.com click on Paul Hewitt in the side bar.
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