A chem-dry guy speaks


Oct 11, 2006
I agree with what both ken and Jim has said. I honestly do.

For more than two years now, you all have been a source of my recovery back into this business. You all have been my source to believe in myself again and rise above the place I was. I never expected to have to deal with seeing robert around and that has been rather unnerving and has brought up stuff I thought I had dealt with. Apparently there is more to keep dealing with.

I can only assume there is a purpose, I do not know yet why this is in my face like it is. So it is not anyone eles's problem but mine, and I apologize that I went off and made everyone think differently.

Like Becker sharing a personal issue with everyone to help him make up his mind because he considers everyone to be a friend here, I have done the same.

I know what my deep motive and desire was when I made the decisions I made with robert.

They were out of Love for the friendship I thought we had, the concern for the welfare of the employees and customers and even the Chem-Dry name.

Just think about what you may have done and what agony you would go through if all of a sudden you went out to your mail box and 12 years of what you sacrificed for, someone said. uh..........NO we are taking it ALL away from you, this is why and you have nothing you can say or do about it.

I leaned on robert many times over the few years I knew him for advise and encouragement. I very readily agreed to his presence and leadership when Harris Research gave me 14 days to shut it down. It was all decided in a short 28 days and that was certainly not enough time to obsorb what had happened. I believe of course that was done by design.

At the time and he knows , no one could have been more broken then I.

I felt safe to make those decisions. When it turned ugly, I then had no alternative but to survive and make a way for myself. I almost did not, but if I wanted to go on and make the best of a rotten situation I had
no choice.

robert took the opportunity not to be honest and talk with me, but to talk to everyone else.

It is tragic because I truly did have a love for our business association with him and thought I could trust in that I had no others I believed I could trust.

The scares remain and I am sure not just for me, but probably for him too.

The hurt is more out of the fact that he chooses to ignore and not admit any wrong doing on his part so naturally I am still hurt about it.

In fact, if he really believed I was in any wrong, the right thing would have been to sue me and let a judge decide if He owed me for the property he bought. That would have been the right thing to do, not take from me an income I needed to live on thus making it more difficult for
me to provide for myself.

I will say this...........

I have a great business now that I am being blessed with

I have a wonderful and loving husband that is the best friend and
confidant I could ever have asked for. He is teaching me I can trust

As far as robert goes. He knows that he knows how it all went.

The facts are this, if you buy something, you pay for it, you don't find ways to get out of it.

He may have felt justified in not fulfilling the purchase bill of sale, but there is no one who even reads the stuff that can connect the bill of sale to the papers I signed between Harris, he and I. Equipment and tangible goods are property. Property that was sold, no different than if I had had
a fire sale and someone came in and bought the whole kitten bundle.

I never expected to see roberts presence on any of these boards because he is part of the franchise he is with and for me to have all of a sudden see he is present and even have been lurking about hit me very hard.

Forgiving him for all of this is possible, it just makes it hard when he will not admit any wrong doing.

I will come to that place because it will be for my own welfare and not his.

He has his own cross to bear.

I don't think he is a bad guy, but he did do what was wrong.

I don't mean to ramble so much, but then, You all know that is my MO

I promise, I will not bring this subject up again.

Enough has been said for many life times.

I am happy to be where I am today and I have learned a lot and have found a world outside the Chem-Dry box I never knew existed.

That I am thankful for too.

Ivan Turner

Supportive Member
Apr 19, 2007
Jefferson City Missouri
Ivan Turner
I don't mean to ramble so much, but then, You all know that is my MO

I promise, I will not bring this subject up again.

Yes you will, lol. In fact I've got a crispy $100 bill that Say's you do so within 30 days from today. Are we on?[/u]


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I'm with Ivan on that. She'll undoubtedly bring up the subject again, but it's debatable whether or not she could POSSIBLY go on about it in a longer post next time.


admiralclean said:
I'm with Ivan on that. She'll undoubtedly bring up the subject again, but it's debatable whether or not she could POSSIBLY go on about it in a longer post next time.

I'll take that bet!!!


Oct 7, 2006
Darlene can ramble, but don't think for a second she didn't get the shaft, Paladin needs to speak up and state his side of the story real quick.

As for the guys riding her, I got a c note she could out work your pansy ass so you should clam up while you are still ahead.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
As for the guys riding her, I got a c note she could out work your pansy ass so you should clam up while you are still ahead.

and she will do it with a quart of lacquer thinner and a truck key..........


And it goes on and on and on and on and on and on.

poor robert.

He never gets a rest.


Darlene was screaming to "let it die", on the blue board yesterday. Now she is running off at the mouth again. Sad, but true. I think darlene is delusional.


Oct 7, 2006
So Robert just magically appears on Mikeys and John's board out of the blue? Something stinks in Denmark.


What stinks about that?

It's not hard to find out about the boards.


I think Darlene is also Palidin. I mean, we've seen it before, where someone created a fake name????

Craig L./ Moe
Mikey/ D. Lumpkin
Brevick/ Any annoying poster with a certain typing style


Oct 11, 2006

I am sure liken the stair tool wand , It works great on certain Upholstery
jobs and even drapes if you can imagine.

I wonder, do you have glides for a small Upholstery tool?

It sure would be great to have one of those too. I have the tool and
when trying to pull it on drapes especially, it gets all wadded up and
so annoying.

Let me know if this is possible. The head it 4 " I believe. I'd have to
check for sure.

Thanks a whooooooole bunch.

Tell Jimmy I used my laquer thinner to scrap a thin rubber matte from
a brick floor. It was stuck like glue. It was and 8 X 10 matte used under an Oriental Rug.

I used that and my floor machine with a short stub drive wheel...

Just did not have enough keys..............


Oct 11, 2006
You've got that all wrong there porky........

Not even close...........


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Well, if it's a sexual thing, PULEEZE don't tell us about it, or post pictures.

Lisa must be spending too much time working.

And Greenie has one less paper bag.


Oct 11, 2006
I was issued a challenge and I will take it

Anyone who wants to contribute to it, all funds will be
awarded to Mikey's board.

Ivan, You started it.

I'm game...........


Nov 27, 2006
I will post on all topics of choice except attacks against me or my business.I come here like so many-just to talk to other carpet cleaners. There is a CD board but I find it to be boring and too much like a mlm meeting .Yes I am a Chem-Dry, that is what I do not who I am. There are lot of reasons why but I might not always be so. And the rumor that Chem_Dry owns anyone is not true .And there is a legal way to exit, you just have to have the knowledge in how to it. Some didn't, and had a bad experience. I will communicate with anyone privately at my on discretion and my e-mail robert.beets@sbcglobal.net


Nov 27, 2006
Chem-Dry of Bexar County has been an IICRC certified firm for over a year .Because the iicrc certifies the chem-dry method. We are also certified in water damage and upholstery. We have not received a single referral in that time . Point being,not all things are as they seem. I feel cheated but who cares- I guess they don't refer Chem-Dry even though
they take our money. Life goes on.
Should Chem-dry bad mouth steam cleaning ? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact chem-dry is now HWE. The bonnet method is being phased out and Hydramaster 450 is the new machine for any new franchise. Is chem-dry really hwe? Not in the true sense. The final extraction is not hot water but chem-dry formula, thus the final residue is formula not water. But some steam cleaners use a final acid rinse and that is to neutralize an alkaline residue or in some cases a defoamer. If anyone has a beef it should be the true hwe that final rinse with only water. But the iicrc can't say anything to chemdry because not all hwe use only water rinse. If anyone is being cheated its the consumer in thinking chem-dry leaves no residue or hwe for that matter. If you will notice the definition of hot water extraction can not be found on the iicrc web site or on the Carpet and Rug Institute site. They know they have changed the definition to fit the new certification requirements so none are excluded that can pay to play. This is my opinion and may not be totally accurate but is food for thought . I post partly to show all that chem-dry does not police their franchises like some would have you believe. If I disappear tonight then maybe they do.


Oct 7, 2006
Don't let a slick sales pitch be confused as class.

If you knew Darlene you would know she may be a lot of things, but she is not a liar, a thief or a slacker.

That leaves a few unanswered questions for the fellow who acquired her franchise with some questionable dealings with Harris Research, you do not get off that easy, open your mouth and tell your side of the story or remaining looking guilty.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
when you lose your biz , it aint easy , and can take a long time to get over it ,if you get over it. i dont know Darleen or Robert or what went on
so i cant make a judgment.
but when some of you lose everything you,ve worked for and maybe you lose home and auto as well because of it
when you lose what you have put your heart and soul into
we will see if you come back here and aint bitter about it

but to her credit , she,s back on the wand and having a go at it again
(even if she does waffle on a bit)
i have respect for that


Looks guilty? Just because you have been accused does not make you guilty. Do not let your hatred for Harris jade you into thinking that they or their franchisees are always the bad guy.

I've heard both sides of the story. Darlene's personality traits show her to be double minded and it lines up with her being put out of the franchise. I could tell that she was screwy by her storytelling.

Darlene may scmooze some people with her sad little stories, but I am not one to be easily scammed. Anyone with an once of discernment can see that she has a integrity issues and will compromise anything to suit her wants.

I have no love for Harris Research as I disagree with what they are doing to the green team, but if you are gonna play ball on their team, then you gotta play by their rules and obey their coach. Darlene didn't do that and it caught up with her.

Why else do you think that HArris or anybody else would force out a franchisee? If she was running a profitable shop AND playing by the franchisee rules, she would NOT have been forced out.


Nov 27, 2006
I did not expect the response that my e-mail is getting so please bear with me as I'm not too fast at the board yet.

I would like to also answer any questions any have about cd processes so as to educate any that are interested. Not to sell it -just to share info.
I know there is a large group of people who hate chem-dry for different reasons. I don't want to get involved with he said or she said as that is fruitless unless you have proof and wish to share it.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
how many jobs has Greenie done with DARlene??? was she the crew leader or the pack mule???

i think Mort may be right!!!

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