I haven't weighed it,Rick but I would say about 150lbs. Here's the thing. It doesn't need to go up and down stairs, I have a truck mount for those kind of buildings. The buildings where I use the portable, all have elevators ( maybe that's a new concept where you come from, they are like little cubicles that go up and down inside the buildings that carry people and things) I use a ramp to load it in and out of the truck, very easy. I could do with out a portable and just focus on truck mount work, but that's like turning away free money. For example, I just did a building, 18 stories, with no accessible stairwell for a tm. I charged almost $1800.00 and did it in 2 days. $900.00 a day and when I say a day, I mean about 5 hours, the first day and 3 the next. So almost $225.00 per hour for portable work. I have another twin tower building that has 30 stories each. I have several other complexes with similar layouts. I could just say no but would you?